Creating the High Performance Learner is not just about learning how to think, it is about how to think responsibly and in a way that is effective in life and the workplace. The HPL student profile focuses on creating enterprising learners who exhibit leadership attributes in addition to being able to perform highly in school assessments and exams.

Essential Components of Empathy: 

  1. Collaborative 
  2. Concerned for society 
  3. Confident  
  4. Collaborative learners  

Success is rarely the result of an individual working alone. Learners need to learn how to  function in a team. They need to know: 

∙ how to play the roles of both leader and follower 

∙ how to negotiate putting their ideas forward for consideration while still listening to  the views of others 

∙ when to talk and when to listen 

∙ how to give and receive help 

∙ how to give and receive feedback.  


Some children are naturally inclined to be collaborative and find working with others straightforward. They may actually dislike working alone and need to learn that skill! For others this is much more difficult. They may be less sensitive to the signals others are giving; they may be shy or, conversely, over dominant; they may think faster or slower than  others in the group and feel frustrated; they may be uncertain regarding their strengths and the contribution they can make to the team.

Successful learners are those who collaborate when needed. For some this will always be  their route of choice and for others it will not. That is fine. What is important is that you help  them learn the necessary skills so that they can collaborate effectively as this will be required from time to time.  

  1. Concerned for society 

Advanced learning includes the ability to deal with ambiguity and with complex problems. In recent years there has been increased interest in how schools develop the character traits in students which will make them good citizens. Ample opportunity exists for the nurturing of  concern for society both through specific schemes and more generally through the day-to-day life of the school. 

Concern for society can begin with quite simple ideas such as caring about others. Later it  can also be nurtured formally within and beyond the curriculum. Ensuring that  individuals have a moral compass which guides their decision making is an essential  component of education and of high performance.  

  1. Confident 

For high performance to occur the child needs to believe it is possible for them to  become high performing. Having this inner confidence is crucial as it sustains them when  learning becomes difficult. 


∙ Some children are innately confident and see setbacks as merely barriers to be  overcome. Others are tentative and need to build the self-belief and confidence that  they can master the task even it this does not occur at once. It is ok to struggle and it is ok to be wrong.

∙ In the same way, for some, critical feedback is merely a learning point whilst for  others it is a personal disappointment which knocks their confidence. Sensitivity is  required.

∙ Intellectual confidence and social confidence are not the same. Ideally you are  looking to build both.  

What do the Empathy VAAs mean for you as a parent?  

∙ Ensuring that children are life ready and work ready is just as important as ensuring  they pass academic milestones.  

∙ If you want children to develop empathy you have to think how and when  this will occur.  

∙ Empathy is teachable and all children can learn to become more empathetic but  progress is not age related. Some will demonstrate this early and some much later.  

∙ Having concern for society and not just oneself can be nurtured in class.  

∙ Intellectual confidence is vital for high academic results as students need to have the  confidence to interpret questions on tests which are not presented in exactly the way  they have been taught.  

∙ Intellectual and social confidence are not the same thing. We need to help children to develop both. 

In this video we want to share with you more information about Empathy and its importance for a successful learner. Moreover, you will learn about Empathy VAAs meaning for you as a parent.

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