2023 A-Level емтихан және жоғары оқу орындарына түсу нәтижелері

A-Level Results and University Applications 2023

Haileybury Almaty, a beacon of educational excellence, is proudly celebrating its 15th Anniversary. Over the years, this prestigious institution has consistently achieved outstanding academic results and university placements for its students, marking a remarkable journey of growth and success. In this article, we delve into the highlights of this exceptional year, showcasing the school's dedication to preparing young minds for a bright future.

One of the standout achievements of Haileybury Almaty in its 15th year is the impressive performance of its A-Level students. Globally renowned as the most popular academic program for preparing students for university, the A-Level program at Haileybury Almaty has continued to excel. In fact, this year witnessed the largest A-Level year group in the school's history, with the number of candidates doubling.

Quality is paramount at Haileybury Almaty, and the academic results of its students underscore this commitment. An astounding 60% of the grades achieved by A-Level students were at the prestigious A* or A level. This remarkable accomplishment highlights not only the students' dedication but also the school's unwavering commitment to academic excellence.

Haileybury Almaty prides itself on providing a global education that prepares its students for success on the world stage. As a testament to this, this year's university placements have been exceptionally successful. Students from Haileybury Almaty have been accepted into some of the world's top universities, reflecting the school's dedication to fostering international perspectives and global readiness.

In addition to securing placements at the world's top universities including Harvard, Oxford, Brown,King's College, UCL, Haileybury Almaty students have also been successful in obtaining scholarships, further emphasizing their academic prowess and potential. This year, they have collectively earned over 1.6 million dollars in scholarships, opening doors to a world of opportunities.

Біз сізге мектебімізбен және біздің барлық ұсыныстарымызбен жақынырақ танысуға көмектесетін веб-сайтымыздағы жаңа мүмкіндікті ұсынуға қуаныштымыз. Сіз мектеп аумағына виртуалды экскурсия жасап, сыныптар мен бөлмелерді көруіңізге және қабылдау процесі туралы толық ақпарат алуыңызға болады.

Біздің мектебіміз несімен ерекшеленетінін түсініп, сіздің балаңыздың білім алуына неліктен ең қолайлы болатынына өзіңіз көз жеткізе аласыз

Сіздерді мектебімізде қарсы алуды асыға күтеміз!

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