Leadership Team

Senior Leadership Team
Simon Mills
Simon Mills
Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, BA in Geography, MA, PGCE, QTS, National Professional Qualification in Headship.
Starting Year
Radha Pandya
Radha Pandya
Deputy Head. FOBISIA CPD Executive Committee
University of Birmingham, Bachelor of Laws, University of Leicester, Master of Arts in Learning and Teaching, PGCE, QTS, NPQSL
Starting Year
Svetlana Kim
Svetlana Kim
General Director | Bursar
Anglia Ruskin Univesity Masters of Business Admission, Bachelor of economics Kazakh State Academy of Management NarXoz, CPA Eurasia -EICPA, associate of IFAC, CAP admitted by ECCAA, Professional Accountant of Russia -IFAC and IBT Russia, British Council Education UK certificate
Starting Year
Matthew	 Hunt-Brown
Matthew Hunt-Brown
Head of Junior School
BA Primary Education with QTS, Sheffield Hallam University. National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL).
Starting Year
Andrea	Angus
Andrea Angus
Senior School Deputy Head Academic
Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences. University of Edinburgh. PGCE. University of Wales. QTS
Starting Year
Darshak Pandya
Darshak Pandya
Deputy Head (Pastoral) FOBISIA Safeguarding Executive
University of Sheffield, BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering, University of Leicester, Master of the Arts in Education, University of Nottingham, PGCE, QTS, NPQML, NPQSL
Starting Year

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