Junior School teachers
Matthew	 Hunt-Brown
Matthew Hunt-Brown
Head of Junior School
BA Primary Education with QTS, Sheffield Hallam University. National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL).
Starting Year
Claire Boyle
Claire Boyle
Junior School Teacher/ Reception Class Year Leader
BSc in Biological Science. University of Reading. PGCE. University College London.
Starting Year
Natalie	Ahern
Natalie Ahern
Junior School Teacher
Bachelor of Arts in Combined Studies with the award of Honours Class. University of Leicester. PGCE in Primary with Humanities and Religious Education. University of East London QTS
Starting Year
Zeynep Kiziltepe-Winter
Zeynep Kiziltepe-Winter
Junior School Teacher
University of Istanbul, University of North London, History of Art Degree, PGCE Primary, Multilingual Classroms QTS
Starting Year
Joanne Nolan
Joanne Nolan
Assistant Head of Junior School/Phase Leader (Year 3 and 4)
Cheltenham College of Higher Education, University of Manchester, PGCE Primary, BA Hons in Politics and Modern History
Starting Year
Richard	Gorman
Richard Gorman
Junior School Teacher
Bachelor of Science Second Class Honours (Division One) in Business Studies. University of Lancaster. PGCE in General Primary (5-11 yrs). University of Cumbria. QTS
Starting Year
Owen Leese
Owen Leese
Junior School Teacher
University of Leicester, The University of Manchester LLB( Law), PGCE in Primary with QTS
Starting Year
Caron Fitzpatrick
Caron Fitzpatrick
Junior School Teacher
UCL, BSc Geography; Institute of Education UCL, PGCE, Hope University, MA Education
Starting Year
Benjamin	Spencer
Benjamin Spencer
Junior School Teacher/Junior School Assessment Coordinator
Master of Arts with Second Class Honours (Division One) in Education. University of Aberdeen. Master of Education. University of Aberdeen. QTS. The General Teaching Council for Scotland.
Starting Year
Peter Gooding
Peter Gooding
Junior School Teacher/Junior School Head of House (Bartle Frere)/ Head of Sustainability
University of Wales, Bachelor Sc (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science, PGCE
Starting Year
Tomas	Nieto
Tomas Nieto
Junior School Teacher/ Head of Mathematics
Bachelor of Science with Honours in Neuroscience, in the Second Class, Division One. The University of Nottingham. PGCE in Secondary Science (Biology) with QTS. Sheffield Hallam University
Starting Year
Sara Harman
Sara Harman
Junior School Teacher/Whole School DDSL(Academic)/ Phase Leader (Year 5 and 6)
University of Warwick, University of London, BA in Early Childhood Studies, PGCE
Starting Year
Laura Williams
Laura Williams
Junior School Teacher
Bachelor of Education.University of Windsor. BA in Family and Social Relations.University of Windsor
Starting Year
Siobhan Entwistle
Siobhan Entwistle
Junior School Teacher
BA in Early Years and IT, Liverpool Hope University. PGCE in Education (Yearly Years), Edge Hill University. PGCE in Specialist Primary Mathematics Practice, Edge Hill University.
Starting Year
Daniel Scott
Daniel Scott
Junior School Teacher
BA in Education, University of Northampton. PGCE, University of Northampton. QTS.
Starting Year
Jemma Elson
Jemma Elson
Junior School Teacher
BA in Education, University of Roehampton. MA in Education, Oxford Brookes University. QTS, University of Roehampton.
Starting Year
Benis George
Benis George
Junior School Teacher
BA in Education, University of Capecoast, Ghana. MA in Professional Studies in Education, Kingston University.
Starting Year
Darren Martin
Darren Martin
Junior School Teacher
BA in Religious Education, Martin’s College, the University of Lancaster. PGCE, Martin’s College, the University of Lancaster.
Starting Year
Sarah Martin
Sarah Martin
Junior School Teacher
BS in Open Degree with Math and Psychology. Open University. MA in Special and Additional Learning Needs, University of East Merit London. PGCE in Education, University of Sunderland.
Starting Year
James Gray
James Gray
Junior School teacher/ Head of English
University of Reading, BS in Geography, QTS
Starting Year
Science Department
Shane Blincoe Deval
Shane Blincoe Deval
Senior School Teacher of Chemistry
University of Canterbury New Zealand, University of Canterbury New Zealand, Sheffield Hallam University, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science in Chemistry, PGCE
Starting Year
Marianna Nott
Marianna Nott
Teacher of Chemistry
Master in Science with Honours in Chemistry in the First Class. University of Nottingham. PGCE in (Secondary) Science: Chemistry. University of Brighton. QTS
Starting Year
Benjamin   Johnson-Morris
Benjamin Johnson-Morris
Teacher of Physics
Master of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad with First Class Honours. University of Bristol. Master of Research. St.Edmund’s College in the University of Cambridge. QTS. PGCE Science: Physics. University College London
Starting Year
Nurlan Iskaliyev
Nurlan Iskaliyev
Robotics Teacher
Bachelor of Education.Alfarabi Kazakh National University. PGCE in Education. University of Sunderland, UK.
Starting Year
Katrina Wolf
Katrina Wolf
Teacher of Biology/ Eco School Coordinator
BA in Veterinary Medicine and Science. University of Nottingham. PGCE. University of Nottingham. MA in Education Leadership and Management.
Starting Year
Language and Learning Department
Elizabeth Kirton
Elizabeth Kirton
Head of English Department
University of Salford, University of Liverpool, Bachelor of Arts (Hons), PGCE English with Drama
Starting Year
Patrick Donovan
Patrick Donovan
Teacher of English / Deputy Head of Attlee House
University of Wales, Bachelor of Arts with a General degree in Humanities, PGCE, QTS
Starting Year
Zhanar Yespan
Zhanar Yespan
Whole school Teacher of L&L Faculty
Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai khan, Bachelor of Education
Starting Year
Karlygash Kazhdarova
Karlygash Kazhdarova
Whole school Teacher of L&L Faculty
Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Teacher of English and French, Bachelor of Education
Starting Year
Mariyam Kamedenova
Mariyam Kamedenova
Whole school Teacher of L&L Faculty
Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Bachelor of Education
Starting Year
Ana I. Munoz Lopera
Ana I. Munoz Lopera
Teacher of English
University of Zaragoza, BA in English Philology; University College London, Masters in Educational Leadership, University of Salamanca, BA Primary Education
Starting Year
Robert Moody
Robert Moody
Teacher of English
University of Sunderland, BA (Hons) English Education, QTS
Starting Year
Balnur Nurtayeva
Balnur Nurtayeva
Teacher of L&L
Master in Education. Kazakh National Agrarian University.
Starting Year
Fatima Jalau
Fatima Jalau
Teacher of L&L
BA in Foreign language: two foreign languages,Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Starting Year
Assel Yeltayeva
Assel Yeltayeva
Teacher of L&L
Bachelor of Education in two Foreign languages.Suleiman Demirel University
Starting Year
Alfiya Djinbarova
Alfiya Djinbarova
Teacher of L&L
Linguist and Teacher. Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University
Starting Year
Aizhan Toleubek
Aizhan Toleubek
Teacher of L&L
DBA in two Foreign languages. Suleiman Demirel University MA in Translation Studies. The University of Sheffield
Starting Year
Aidyam Tairova
Aidyam Tairova
Teacher of L&L
BA in Foreign language: two foreign languages, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International relations and World Languages
Starting Year
James  Phillips
James Phillips
Teacher of English
Degree of Master of Arts in the Faculty of Arts with Second Class Honours (Division One). The University of Edinburgh. Degree of Master of Philosophy. University of Cambridge. Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. University of Birmingham. QTS PGCE: Secondary in English 11-18 Years. The University of Worcester
Starting Year
Aliya Zhiyenkulova
Aliya Zhiyenkulova
Language and Learning Department
BA in Foreign language: two foreign languages, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International relations and World Languages
Starting Year
Assemgul Gazizova
Assemgul Gazizova
Library Assistant
Starting Year
Aizhan Smailova
Aizhan Smailova
Assistant Teacher
Yevgenia Utebayeva
Yevgenia Utebayeva
Teacher of L&L
BA in Foreign language: two foreign languages, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International relations and World Languages MA in Humanity Sciences. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Starting Year
Maths Department
Alexander Nodes
Alexander Nodes
Head of Mathematics
BA in Architecture and Planning. University of the West of England Bristol. PGCE in the Scondary Initial Teacher Education.University of the West of England Bristol. QTS. Department of Education.
Starting Year
Darshak Pandya
Darshak Pandya
Deputy Head (Pastoral) FOBISIA Safeguarding Executive
Darshak Pandya, Deputy Head (Pastoral) FOBISIA Safeguarding Executive University of Sheffield, University of Leicester, University of Nottingham, BEng Aerospace Engineering, MA in Education, PGCE, QTS, NPQML, NPQSL
Starting Year
Vladimir Zhuk
Vladimir Zhuk
Olympiad Specialist /Senior School Teacher of Mathematics
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Bachelor of Mathematics, Master of Mathematics Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics
Starting Year
Sophie	Naomi  Lightowlers ‎
Sophie Naomi Lightowlers ‎
Teacher of Mathematics
BA in Film & Moving Image Production. Leeds Metropolitan University. PGCE (QTS). Sheffield Hallam University.
Starting Year
Paul Boothroyd
Paul Boothroyd
Teacher of Mathematics
De Montfort University, University of Liverpool, Bachelor of Science Mathematics, PGCE, QTS
Starting Year
Akmaral Onglassyn
Akmaral Onglassyn
Teacher of Mathematics/Learning Support Teacher
Bachelor of Natural Science in Mathematics. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. MA in Economic Sciences.Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Starting Year
Andrew Watson
Andrew Watson
Teacher of Mathematics
B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics, The University of Manchester. QTS.
Starting Year
Ivan Devitskiy
Ivan Devitskiy
Maths Olympiad Teacher
Bachelor in Mathematics and Physics. Moscow Physics Technical Institute. Teacher of Mathmatics and Physics. International Centre of Education and Social Humanities Research.
Starting Year
Joseph Isaac
Joseph Isaac
Teacher of Mathematics
University of Brighton, University of Sheffield, BSC Economics and Mathematics, BA in Mathematics Education, QTS, Master credits
Starting Year
Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty
Lucinda Wilkinson
Lucinda Wilkinson
Head of Humanities & Social Sciences
University of Birmingham, University of Bath, Bachelor of Arts, PGCE, QTS
Starting Year
Joshua Liversidge
Joshua Liversidge
Duke of Edinburgh Award Coordinator/Teacher of Geography / Senior School Housemaster
The University of Nottingham, University of Plymouth, Bachelor of Arts in Geography, PGCE
Starting Year
Henry Wilkinson
Henry Wilkinson
Senior School Housemaster (Edmonstone)/ Senior School Teacher of Geography/ History
University of Manchester, University of York, The University of Nottingham, Bachelor of Arts in History, Master of Arts, PGCE
Starting Year
Eric Smith
Eric Smith
Head of Economics & Business
University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at Arlington, BSc in Business Administration, MA in Curriculum and Instruction, QTS
Starting Year
Steve Stockermans
Steve Stockermans
Teacher of Humanities / US University Admission Counselor
Trinity College, University of Toronto, Univerisdad de Comillas, University of London BA, MA in Politics Science, MA in Educational Leadership
Starting Year
Steven	O'Rourke ‎
Steven O'Rourke ‎
Teacher of Economics & Business
Bachelor of Law. University College Cork. Professional Diploma in Accounting. Dublin City University. ACA Professional Chartered Accounting Qualification. Chartered Accountants Ireland. ESL & Business Education. District of Columbia Teaching Certification. QTS,UK
Starting Year
Joshua Swarbrick
Joshua Swarbrick
Teacher of Humanities
BA in Media with Communication& Society. Nottingham Trent University. MA in Education, The University of Nottingham. PGCE (International), The University of Nottingham.
Starting Year
Jonathan Lawrence
Jonathan Lawrence
Teacher of Psychology
BA in Philosophy, the University of Nottingham. MA of Science in Brain Imaging, the University of Nottingham. Master of Science in Psychology, the University of Nottingham. PGCE in Education, the University of Buckingham
Starting Year
Aigerim Abdyrgaliyeva
Aigerim Abdyrgaliyeva
Teacher of Kazakh History
BSc in Regional Studies. A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. Master of Pedagogical Sciences. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Starting Year
Daniyar Yeleu
Daniyar Yeleu
Teacher of Kazakh History
Bachelor in Journalism. KIMEP University.
Starting Year
Julie	Mulchinock
Julie Mulchinock
Teacher of Economics & Business
BA of Commerce. University College Cork, Ireland. Teacher Preparation Certificate Program. Moreland University, USA ESL& Business, Marketing & Computer Science, Illinois State Teaching License. QTS, Business Studies, UK
Starting Year
Physical Education Department
Olessya Shlyakhtina
Olessya Shlyakhtina
Whole school Teacher of PE
Republican college of sports, Kazakh State Academy of Sport andTourism, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, Physical training and sports, Physical training and sports Teacher, Bachelor in Foreign Language
Starting Year
Neil French
Neil French
Whole School Teacher of PE
University of Stirling, The Open University, University of East London, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, PGCE, QTS
Starting Year
Clement	Goethals
Clement Goethals
Teacher of PE
BSH - Sciences of Education. Universite de Rouen, Normandie
Starting Year
Faculty of Art/Drama/Music
Joanna	Pullen
Joanna Pullen
Head of Art
Bachelor of Arts with Second Class Honours (1st Division) in Fine Art. Council for National Academic Awards. Postgraduate Diploma in Illustration. Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. The London Institute. PGCE in Art and Design (Secondary). University of Brighton QTS. Hertfordshire UK
Starting Year
Kuralay Praliyeva
Kuralay Praliyeva
Junior School Teacher of Art
Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry - Master of Arts; KIMEP Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research – MBA; International Kazakh-Turkish University- Pedagogy and Methodology of teaching PMT
Starting Year
Svetlana Stoyannidu
Svetlana Stoyannidu
Coordinator of Peripatetic Teachers
Kazakh National Conservatory, Bachelor instrumental performance
Starting Year
Aigerim Kaziyeva
Aigerim Kaziyeva
Teacher of Art
BA in fashion. University of Hertfordshire. Artist-Master. Orenburg Art College. MA in Textile design,Technology and Innovataion. De Monfort University.
Starting Year
Rudi Kronhardt
Rudi Kronhardt
Teacher of Music
Bachelor of Music, The University of Lethbridge, Canada. Bachelor of Education, The University of Lethbridge. Canada.
Starting Year
Faculty of Modern Languages
Angélique Gourmelon
Angélique Gourmelon
Acting Head of Faculty of Modern Languages / Whole School Teacher of French
University of Toulouse, University of Hull, DipHE in Applied Foreign Languages, PGCE Secondary with QTS
Starting Year
Adelina Fot
Adelina Fot
Head of Russian /Whole School Teacher of Russian
Almaty Pedagogical College, Primary School Teach
Starting Year
Alyona Karamulina
Alyona Karamulina
Whole School Teacher of Russian
Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Bachelor of Russian and Literature
Starting Year
Nazgul Sartova
Nazgul Sartova
Whole School Teacher of Russian
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Bachelor of Russian and Literature, Master of Linguistics
Starting Year
Zhansaya Zhumadilova
Zhansaya Zhumadilova
Teacher of Russian
BA in Linguistics. Moscow University of Industrial Finance "Synergy" Teacher of Russian language and literature. Moscow Institute of professional Development and Advanced Training of Teachers.
Starting Year
Alyona Tkachuk
Alyona Tkachuk
Teacher of Russian
MA in Education (Russian language). Novosibirsk State Technical University.
Starting Year
Dilnur Nurgazy
Dilnur Nurgazy
Teacher of Mandarin
BA of Humanities Sciences.China Chuanmei University. MA of Human Sciences. Alfarabi Kazakh National University.
Starting Year
Aliaidar Salikhov
Aliaidar Salikhov
Teacher of French
BA in Translation. Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International relations and World Languages MA in languages and literature. University of Montpellier III.
Starting Year
Ainur Mazhenova
Ainur Mazhenova
Teacher of Mandarin
BA in Education.L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Master of Teaching Chinese to Speackers of other Languages.International Studies University.
Starting Year
Faculty of Kazakh Language
Aiym Kamyrova
Aiym Kamyrova
Head of Kazakh
Bachelor of Education in the kazakh language and literature. M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University.
Starting Year
Zukhra Kurmanova
Zukhra Kurmanova
Whole School Teacher of Kazakh
Bachelor of Education in Kazakh Language and Literature. Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University. Zhetysu State University BA in Education, Master of Science in Educational Leadership
Starting Year
Dana Mustafina
Dana Mustafina
Whole School Teacher of Kazakh
Bachelor of Education in Kazakh Language and Literature. Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University.
Starting Year
Gulnur Zhussupova
Gulnur Zhussupova
Whole School Teacher of Kazakh
Bachelor of Education in Kazakh Language and Literature. Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University. Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages BA in Foreign Languages
Starting Year
Assel Usserbayeva
Assel Usserbayeva
Whole School Teacher of Kazakh
Bachelor of Education in Kazakh Language and Literature. Kazakh National Women’s Pedagogical University. Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages BA in English and Mandarin
Starting Year
Learning Support Department
Virginia Treasure
Virginia Treasure
Head of Learning Support
St. Edwards University, University of Lesley, Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Education
Starting Year
Alima Mills
Alima Mills
Teacher of LS
Bachelor in Pedagogy and Psychology. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. MBA. Kennedy Western University. SENCO.
Starting Year
Bakdaulet Azimkhanov
Bakdaulet Azimkhanov
Teacher of LS
BA in Natural Science. Alfarabi Kazakh national University. MA of Pedagogical Science.Abai Kazakh National pedagogical University.
Starting Year
Assel Jandossova
Assel Jandossova
Teacher of LS
BA in English Teaching. Institute of World Languages. M.Sc. in Educational Leadership: Inclusive Education. Nazarbayev University.
Starting Year
Salima Sergazy
Salima Sergazy
Whole School Counsellor
BA in Education. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Starting Year
Lidiya Beisembayeva
Lidiya Beisembayeva
Whole School Counsellor
Northwest Christian University, Oregon, University of Oregon-School Architecture BA in Psychology, MA in Public Policy
Starting Year
Support Academic Staff
Anastassiya Chshurova
Anastassiya Chshurova
Assistant Teachers
Guldariya Amire
Guldariya Amire
Assistant Teachers
Gaukhar Tuletova
Gaukhar Tuletova
Assistant Teacher
Aigerim Sultan
Aigerim Sultan
Assistant Teacher
Assiya Setzhanova
Assiya Setzhanova
Assistant Teacher
Zhuldyz Rysbayeva
Zhuldyz Rysbayeva
Assistant Teacher
Aliya Omanova
Aliya Omanova
Assistant Teacher
Nazerke Kosherbek
Nazerke Kosherbek
Assistant Teacher
Madiyar Kospekov
Madiyar Kospekov
Assistant Teacher
Aisha Zholdasbay
Aisha Zholdasbay
Assistant Teacher
Ayaulym Zhambylkyzy
Ayaulym Zhambylkyzy
Assistant Teacher
Aktolkyn Yermakhan
Aktolkyn Yermakhan
Assistant Teacher
Diana Doskaliyeva
Diana Doskaliyeva
Assistant Teacher
Inara Gooding
Inara Gooding
Assistant Teacher
Mereke Abilday
Mereke Abilday
Assistant Teacher
Nazerke Beisembek
Nazerke Beisembek
Assistant Teacher
Zhanerke Ainakulova
Zhanerke Ainakulova
Reception class Teacher
BA in Foreign language: two foreign languages, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International relations and World Languages
Starting Year
Zhadyra Kuchshanova
Zhadyra Kuchshanova
Assistant teacher
Togzhan Temirbolatova
Togzhan Temirbolatova
Assistant teacher
Roza Kossayeva
Roza Kossayeva
Assistant teacher
Raushan Niyazova
Raushan Niyazova
Assistant teacher
Nailya Zholdina
Nailya Zholdina
Assistant teacher
Meruyert Askarova
Meruyert Askarova
Assistant teacher
Leila Khochshanova
Leila Khochshanova
Assistant teacher
Kulzhan Inkarbekova
Kulzhan Inkarbekova
Assistant teacher
Aygul Svetlichnaya
Aygul Svetlichnaya
Assistant teacher

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