Headmaster and Head of Junior School for a day.

Headmaster and Head of Junior School for a day.

Earlier, we shared with you the news about the charity ball organised by the Haileybury Parents Association, where eight special positions were raffled off. We are thrilled to announce that our parents managed to raise an incredible amount of 25,100,000 tenge, which will be used to support the children's rehabilitation center in Talgar.

Amir and Aylin received the honorary positions of Headmaster and Head of the Junior School for one day. They had an amazing opportunity to spend a day alongside Mr Mills and Mr Aston - they observed lessons, participated in various activities, attended meetings and had a say in decision-making processes regarding school matters.

Amir and Aylin displayed remarkable enthusiasm and responsibility while fulfilling these important roles. We extend our warmest congratulations to both of them and hope that this experience has been enriching for them and will empower them to actively contribute to shaping the future of our school.

We are excited to invite you to explore a new feature here on the website that will help you achieve a better understanding of our school and all that we have to offer. You can take a virtual tour of our campus, explore our classrooms and facilities and take a closer look at our admissions process.

You'll be able to see first hand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school!

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