Haileybury Ski Race Day 2022

We are happy to inform you about the 2022 Haileybury Ski Race Day that will take place in Lesnaya Skazka on the last winter weekend, 26-27th of February.

All pupils from Reception to Year 13 who are confident skiers are welcome and encouraged to take part in a set of slalom races.

This year Haileybury Almaty has warmly invited her sister school Haileybury Astana @haileyburyastana to celebrate the last days of the winter on the mountain resort with magnificent sceneries. Families and community members of both schools are welcome to attend the event and support our pupils who will test their skiing mastership in the competition.

We are really looking forward to seeing you there and hope that as many pupils as possible will come to compete in this second Haileybury Ski Race Day!

We are excited to invite you to explore a new feature here on the website that will help you achieve a better understanding of our school and all that we have to offer. You can take a virtual tour of our campus, explore our classrooms and facilities and take a closer look at our admissions process.

You'll be able to see first hand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school!

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