The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award scheme is available to all pupils from Year 10 upwards. It is a programme aimed to increase pupil resilience and give the pupils a sense of achievement.

There are 4 sections to complete: skill, physical recreation, service and the Adventurous Journey. The pupils can push themselves to take on a new challenge, or they can choose to record an activity that they are already completing. The weekly CCA training sessions culminate with the Adventurous Journey where the pupils are fully self-reliant on a two-day overnight hike and camp.

There are 3 levels to the Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. All pupils start on Bronze and have the opportunity to achieve it in six months.

The link is below:



Why do the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award? 

The Award is about helping participants along the path to a productive and prosperous future. Many participants say, it's life-changing. Achieving an Award gives young people skills, confidence and an edge over others when they apply for college, university or a job. At Haileybury Astana, participants are given the opportunity to start working towards their Bronze Award in Year 10.

Here at Haileybury Astana, we are currently conducting the Bronze level Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. 

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award aids our students to develop the following skills:

– Self-belief and self-confidence
– A sense of identity
– Initiative and a sense of responsibility
– A real awareness of their strengths
– New talents and abilities
– The ability to plan and use time effectively
– Learning from and giving to others in the community
– Forming new friendships
– Problem-solving, presentation and communication skills
– Leadership and teamworking skills.

The Award framework

The Award is comprised of three levels and four sections and is designed to provide a balanced programme of personal development and challenge. Participants complete all four sections at each level in order to achieve their Award. At Gold level, participants also complete a Gold Residential Project.


Voluntary Service

For this section participants are required to give service (volunteer) over a set period of time. It enables them to experience the benefits that their Voluntary Service provides to others in their community. e.g. helping with conservation work, animal shelters, orphanages, supporting events at school and providing support in the library.


This section of the Award encourages the development of personal interests, creativity or practical skills e.g. Learning a musical instrument, art, cooking, learning new languages and creative writing.


Physical Recreation.

This section of the Award encourages young people to participate in sport and other physical recreation for the improvement of health, fitness and wellbeing e.g. ball sports, athletics, swimming, rock climbing, skiing, kayaking or judo,

Adventurous Journey

This section encourages a sense of adventure and discovery while undertaking a team journey. As part of a small team, participants plan, train for and undertake a journey with a purpose in an unfamiliar environment. Training includes navigation, route planning, First Aid, how to pack a rucksack, campcraft and cooking.

Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

Physical recreation  Skills Voluntary service Direct entrants Adventurous Journey

3 months

/ 13 weeks

3 months

/ 13 weeks

3 months

/ 13 weeks

All participants must do an extra 3 months in one of the following: Physical Recreation; or Skills; or Voluntary service 2 days + 1 night

6 months

/ 26 weeks

6 months

/ 26 weeks

6 months

/ 26 weeks

Non Bronze holder must do an extra 6 months in one of the following: Physical Recreation; or Skills; or Voluntary service 3 days + 2 nights

12 months

/ 52 weeks

12 months

/ 52 weeks

12 month

/ 52 weeks

Non silver holders must do an extra 6 months in one of the following: Physical Recreation; or Skills; or Voluntary service 4 days + 3 nights 

Duke of Edinburgh's International Award at Haileybury

At Haileybury Astana, we offer the opportunity for our students to do the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award allows our pupils to grow as people and learners, which works with our schools strategic objectives. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award aid students development in many areas
Find out about Intaward 2023
Duke of Edinburgh's International Award at Haileybury

We have amazing staff at work on the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award.

, Reception Class Teacher, Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Leader
Gemma Mebrahtu
Reception Class Teacher, Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Leader

Tel: +77172559855

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