Haileybury Astana offers a wide range of support for applying to universities in the UK, USA and Canada.

"Together we have the experience, knowledge and contacts to help you apply for and receive offers from many of the world's best universities in sciences, business, medicine and Pre Med, law and Pre Law, and most other majors. We also help to find universities that provide generous scholarships and bursaries for students who need financial assistance." - says Mr. Stockermans.

Haileybury Astana has partnered with the university consulting service "World’s TOP universities" which supports pupils to gain entry to the world’s most competitive universities including Ivy League in the USA, and Oxford, Cambridge, and Russell Group universities in the UK.

Pupils who are applying to universities in any country have access to specialised advice and counselling so that they make the best possible choices. Haileybury Astana ensures that every student has the opportunity to take advantage of all the support they need when it comes to testing, essay writing, financial aid applications and interviews which also includes support for specialised university entrance examinations (for example to Oxford and Cambridge).

All of our pupils at Haileybury Astana have the opportunity to develop both socially and intellectually through a variety of activities overseen by our highly  qualified and dedicated staff.

These include:

  • Model United Nations and the Debate Team
  • The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
  • Athletic competitions with other top schools in Central Asia
  • Career guidance and life skills training
  • Peer mentoring and community service
  • Student government and opportunities to develop leadership skills through the House System

Who we are


"World’s TOP universities"

Directors Steve Stockermans and Ana Munoz Lopera are expert university admissions advisors for USA, Canada, Europe and Asia and have 15 years experience advising in high schools and universities in Canada, Japan, Spain, and the Middle East.

Successfully placed students at:
- US colleges: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, UC Berkeley, NYU, Duke, Chicago…
- UK universities: Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, LSE, Imperial, Queen Mary, Manchester…
- European universities: Erasmus, Groningen, Amsterdam, Science Po, Vienna Economics, Geneva, Carlos III, ESADE, IE, Bocconi...
- Asian universities: (Japan) ICU, Keio, Waseda, Sophia. (Korea) KAIST, (Hong Kong) HKUST, HK Poli, (Singapore) NUS/Yale, Nanyan Tech, (Australia): Monash, Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland, SP Jain...
- Canadian universities: Toronto, McGill, UBC, Waterloo, Queens, Dalhousie..

"World’s TOP universities"

What we offer

  • Regular interviews and consultations to make a plan and keep you to it
  • Extra curricular activities:  Planning and execution of a great story
  • Essay writing: Help with the draft and final copy of your various essays
  • Scholarship search and application process
  • Mentoring, Job Shadowing and Internships. Assistance to find suitable role models
  • Summer programs: SAT Boot Camp, Leadership, academic subjects.

Our holistic approach provides support across all areas of the North American and UK university application process. Our services are based on our belief that every pupil deserves individualised support in every aspect of their application(s) — from university selection strategy, test preparation and personal statement/essay support, to co-curricular mentoring and interview practice.

Our counsellors and mentors have the most compelling academic and co-curricular resumes:

US and International University Admissions Counsellor

Mr. Steve Stockermans, Director

Trinity College, University of Toronto (BA International Relations)
Universidad de Comillas, Madrid (MA Political Science)
University College London M.Ed in Educational Leadership
Canadian, with 3 degrees from 3 countries.
Worked in Undergraduate Admissions at University of Toronto
Teaching licences for Spain, British Columbia and Nova Scotia, Canada
IB Leadership qualification (UCL)
Worked in Shinshu University (Japan)
High schools in Canada, Spain and Saudi Arabia. (Senior School vice principal, English, History, Career Counselling)
Specialist consultant with elite college admissions agencies in New York and Washington for students from the Middle East aiming for Ivy League and high level North American universities
Mr. Steve Stockermans, Director

Arina, a Haileybury Astana IB student, has been accepted to the University of British Columbia (UBC). We are delighted to congratulate Arina on her acceptance to UBC and wish her the very best of luck in her future studies.

Moreover, she received offers from the University of Central Lancashire Cyprus, Cyprus; City, University of London, Lancaster University, University of Exeter, Staffordshire University, and the University of Strathclyde, UK. 

Arina is studying International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Apart from her studies, Arina participated in significant school activities and projects. She acted as a Communication Specialist as part of the Haileybury Astana Model United Nations Conference (HASTMUN 2021).

Last year, Arina became a part of the UNESCO Club. Her diligence and efficiency helped boost awareness and promote the Club as much as possible. In January, the UNESCO Club at Haileybury Astana received an official status.

US and International University Admissions Counsellor

Ms. Ana Isabel Munoz Lopera, Director

University of Zaragoza, BA in English Philology; University College London, Masters in Educational Leadership, University of Salamanca, BA Primary Education
Ana is Spanish-Canadian, with Masters degrees from the University of Zaragoza (English Philology) and from the University College London (M. Educational Leadership, IB). She attended University of Toronto for her Canadian teaching degree. She was a director of the Erasmus International Exchanges in Europe, sending high school students to different high schools and universities around Europe and the world. She worked in a Japanese university, as a specialist in the Middle East for government scholarship agencies and is a consultant with elite university agencies in New York and Washington for admission to North American, UK, European and Asian universities.
Ms. Ana Isabel Munoz Lopera, Director

Bibi, Year 13 IB student has been accepted into the University of Bristol, Middlesex University, University of Surrey and Royal Veterinary College.

Bibi would like to major a veterinary major because ever since she was a little girl she wanted to work with animals. Bibi finds this profession rewarding. 

My journey as an IB student was very exciting. At the beginning of Year 12, I did not know what to expect. As we had six subjects and many extra components. However, the journey has been fluctuating in difficulty. There were times when it was easier than others.

I would definitely recommend the IB Diploma Programme to anyone. It really helped me prepare for university. It helped me handle the workload, and complete tasks to a high standard."

Congratulations to Anetta, Year 13 IB student at Haileybury Astana. Anetta has been accepted into the universities in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands. 

“I have been accepted to several universities in London which are the Queen Mary University of London, City University of London, Royal Holloway University of London and the University of Westminster. Some of the other universities I got accepted to are in Ireland and the Netherlands, these include Trinity College Dublin, the University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and the University of Groningen.

My journey as an IB student was very insightful, engaging, and at certain times fairly challenging. I have met many new people and have been involved in several activities and projects during these 2 years which allowed me to achieve huge personal growth and learn many useful skills like time management, collaboration, and independence."

How do we do it

Personal Interviews

Personal Interviews with the student and their parents starting in their Junior year and with regular follow up sessions.  What are their goals? Find the best mix of universities and majors for their aspirations and applications: 

    1. Reach. The ambitious schools where acceptance is possible but not guaranteed. 
    2. Target. A higher probability of acceptance, but still need hard work to get there.
    3. Safety schools. A net of schools and Foundation Year programs that are almost assured just in case. 
How to make a student STAND OUT
  1. What’s the Plan?   How to make a student STAND OUT
  2. Is the English test (TOEFL or IELTS) ready?   IELTS target 7.5, TOEFL target 100. 
    1. Additional tutoring for students who need extra help.
    2. In school Mock Tests of the TOEFL and IELTS tests.
  3. School academic success. Help choose the right courses in high school, and follow up that the grades are where they need to be. The IB is highly recognized internationally and a good grade in these courses will bring you far.
    1. Follow up with the student’s teachers to assure that they can get the best possible results 
Extra Academic Success Stories
  1. Extra Academic Success Stories
  2. Getting the SAT right for US and other international schools. 
    1. Mock SAT tests in school
    2. SAT study Club
  3. AP exams for US focussed students. How to prepare for this test
    1. For students who are looking for a specialist major (medicine, sciences) these external exams are available and add value to a US application.
  4. Olympiad competitions in Maths and CS are also highly coveted awards for some universities such as MIT.
    1. Provide support with extra Olympiad competition experience
  5. Research papers, published articles, Science Fairs, extra language certifications…. Anything else that will make your academic credentials even better.
    1. Provide in School opportunities to lead on new clubs and activities
    2. Provide advice for applications and networking opportunities

Summer courses in the colleges of your interest. Want to go to Yale? Take a Yale Summer course, get credits and get recognized.

High level colleges want to know if you will FIT
  1. Extra Curricular and the Personal Essay. High-level colleges want to know if you will FIT.
    • A list, not long but deep, of activities that you do beyond the school.
    • These should show 
        • INITIATIVE.  Not just follow someone else’s path, but make your own.
        • LEADERSHIP/ORGANIZATION. Can you show that you have made your organization better and that it will last longer than you do?
  1. Ask not what your university can do for you – ask what you can do for your community 


The pathway from Haileybury Astana to the North American universities
The pathway from Haileybury Astana to the North American universities
What is International Baccalaureate?
What is International Baccalaureate?
University Offers | University of Toronto, WASEDA University
University Offers | University of Toronto, WASEDA University
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