Supporting phonics at home

Supporting phonics at home

We would like to invite our Junior School parents to join us for a Parent Partnership session. This session will be an interactive workshop that will enable our parents to find out more about specific aspects of their children’s learning in Junior School. Mr Picola, English Lead will conduct the Parent Partnership Programme.

Mrs Stevens and Mrs Sinclair will also be attending the session and will be available to answer any questions related to teaching and learning in the Junior School.

Phonics is an important part of the learning process for pupils to succeed. Gaining phonics skills aids pupils to focus on sound and letter awareness. Thus, the children advance as readers and work on a foundation of phonics.

During Parent Partnership Programme you will learn about practical activities, resources and ideas about how to further support children’s learning at home.

We look forward to seeing you at the presentation!

  • Date: April 7th
  • Time: 2:30
  • Location: School theatre
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