Service to others is a core Haileybury value.

Haileybury Almaty is delighted to support a youth charity initiative organised by our Alumnus, Iliya Kan .Please read about the initiative below and please consider volunteering your time to those who are most in need.

About Teaching For Heroes @teachingforheroes :

We are a charity youth initiative. Our goal is to provide high quality English lessons free of charge for children of doctors and nurses who are struggling with COVID-19 throughout Kazakhstan. Schoolchildren of all ages can choose from more than 300 fluent speaking student-mentors from the best educational institutions in the world. We ensure a quick connection of students and tutors thanks to a simple and convenient platform providing both parties with a flexible schedule and a convenient booking system.

Our goal:
COVID-19 has posed a great risk to us and our loved ones. Our health and well-being are at stake in these troubled times, whether we stay at home or not. Fortunately, we have doctors and nurses; our medical workers, and our heroes, who are at the forefront of the fight against the virus. Thousands of doctors and nurses across the country are working around the clock to protect us. They do not have the opportunity to go home, or spend time with their families and children. The TFH initiative strives to support these key workers by providing their children with free and high quality online lessons.

• If you want to do good
• If you are a school or university student
• If your level of English is Upper-intermediate and higher
• If you have 2 hours of free time per week

Join our team! Give free lessons to children whose parents are protecting us.

If you want to become a volunteer or find out more about the initiative, please follow @teachingforheroes

We are excited to invite you to explore a new feature here on the website that will help you achieve a better understanding of our school and all that we have to offer. You can take a virtual tour of our campus, explore our classrooms and facilities and take a closer look at our admissions process.

You'll be able to see first hand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school!

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